Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Don't Quit Poem

The Don't Quit presentation is based on a famous poem which was written many years ago. The author of this poem is unknown. Sadly, in recent years a number of people have claimed ownership of the poem and some have even claimed to have written it themselves!

Here is the original poem in it's entirety:

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,

It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Author unknown

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I was browsing the web randomly, trying to find something interesting to read. I visited poemhunter.com as I usually do when I'm in the mood for some poetry. I came across an interesting piece entitled "Hustler" by Adetimilehin Inioluwa Victor (VicAdex). I related to it somehow so I thought I'd share it. So here it is..

I was born like every other
My first tears gave them laughter
Soon things will change for better
They are vivid hope every supper

Life goes short every time like summer

Idle me just make the dudes poorer
It then stuck me I got to go smarter
Aren't jobs but to earn as a hustler

Real men have to hustle

No ride to success in a shuttle
I’ll make it in the rubble
To live the dream in the success bubble

Thing get to idle waiters

Only things we left behind
We are the hustler knights
Hunting for success our right

No shot no trigger no bullet

Success will come chasing pants down
When we start running the working town
That will be the hustler crown 


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dream Recollection

I've been suffering from a migraine for a couple of days due to the womankind's nightmare, so I opted to try and sleep it off. I had a weird dream that I remember fairly well..

In the dream, I woke up at a private spa room with no memory of how I got there and why. I had a blurred memory of having a massage and s stream bath but that was it. The room was trashed and it seemed that something bad had happened. I found a video tape on the floor (apparently DVDs were not yet in fashion), so I popped it in the VCR and watched. I was not clear on what was in the tape but it was a video of the room a couple of hours ago. It got me horrified and distraught but I can't remember what was on the tape. I just remember feeling awful.

Then there was a knock on the door. Three Asian girls where snooping the room so I asked why they were there. Only one of them spoke English. She asked if I was still occupying the room and I answered, "Yes, in fact I still have the receipts". They went on there way as I started packing my stuff but then came back with a woman that seemed to be the spa manager. The manager informed me that I was already over my allotted time in the room so I asked for five minutes more to get my things in order. The woman was very accommodating (as expected with a spa personnel) and left me to finish packing.

My youngest grandpa then barged into the room and hurriedly took my things, informing me that I was already late and that people are already starting to look for me. As soon as we hit the door, it opened to an entirely different place. It was a big house on top of a hill. Most of my relatives were there and it seem like it was an engagement party of some sort, although I'm not sure for whom it was.

I was talking to my cousins when an argument exploded in the kitchen. Something about the bride wanting the reception to have no stove to cook food on so everything on the menu would be basically raw. Her mother was infuriated and the screaming match reverberated on the walls. So we decided to walk outside and take in the amazing view of the sunset. There were trees everywhere and even though I don't know remember the exact conversation we were having, it was pleasant. Then just before we reached the very top of the hill, I woke up..

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time To Rhyme - 9 Short Poems of Frustration

Making Haste

Wake up first thing in the morning,
and roll over the chair.
No time to use the washroom,
or even brush your hair.

I know that it's consuming,
otherwise you wouldn't dare.
And that you are addicted,
of that, I'm now also aware.


I had to wash you off me.

I didn't want to,
but felt so dirty.

I had to go home early.

It may have sucked,
but now you're free.

I had to wade through your debris.

Now I feel used,
confused and nasty.

I had to just agree,

That you and me
weren't meant to be.


I've been spending all my time,

so sad,
and waiting.

I thought you'd be more eager now,

but still,
you're hesitating.

This decision that I have to make,

may not,
need more debating.

Could live without,

this constant doubt,
it really is degrading.


I do,

I don't,
deserve this.

Want to,

but can't,
reverse this.

I tried,

failed to,
preserve this.

False love,

is what,
my curse is.


Hooded man,

mystery writer.
Never want to try,
don't need to be a fighter.
Now you're rid of me,
and I hope your load is lighter.
You have more time,
to flirt and rhyme,
no more me to endure.

Undesired Inspiration

So you write when you're not happy,

but I've heard no words at all.
Now I contemplate 
past sweet things said,
and still wait for a call.

Those true intentions

never shown,

could not perceive,

your cover blown,

if not for chance,

I'd never known,

I guess it's better,

being alone.


You said I was the best,

that you have ever had.

You said we were forever,

but turned out to be a fad.

You said that you would love me,

through the good times and the bad.

You said you'd make me happy,

how can't you hurt
with me so sad?


Crushed under your foot-


It aches with us so far apart.

The end has come,

before the start.

Into my trust,

you thrust,
your dart.

Do You? Could You? Will You?

Do you even realize,

how much 
I gave up for us?

Could you even

begin to know,
how much 
you've crushed
my trust?

Will you

move on
to someone else,
and share 
with them
new lust?

Don't you see,

that you've scarred me?
I'm hoping that you must.

Clipped from - http://brandonfan.hubpages.com/hub/Time-To-Rhyme-9-Short-Poems-Of-Frustration

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And She Was Gone..

This is my favorite poem from "As Told by Ginger"; a Nickelodeon cartoon that I grew up with. I recently came across it again while watching reruns and was surprised that I can still relate to the message..

She chose to walk alone
Though others wondered why
Refused to look before her,
Kept eyes cast upwards
Towards the sky.

She didn’t have companions
No need for earthly things.
Only wanted freedom,
From what she felt were
Puppet strings.

She longed to be a bird,
That she might fly away.
She pitied every blade of grass
For planted they would stay.

She longed to be a flame,
That brightly danced alone.
Felt jealous of the steam
That made the air its only home.

Some say she wished too hard,
Some say she wished too long.
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone.

The trees, they say stood witness.
The sky refused to tell.
But someone who had seen it said
The story played out well.

She spread her arms out wide,
Breathed in the break of dawn.
She just let go of all she held.
And then she was gone..


What can you do when you can no longer put on a happy face?
When you feel like your whole world has fallen out of place?
You walk into reality with your eyes in a blindfold
And you can't see what's out there for you to behold
Looking at the world through other people's eyes
You think you make your own decisions but your just like everyone else in disguise
Everyday that you live is a test
You choose right from wrong then you let your mind rest
Then it goes again trying to please everyone that comes across your path
Respect + Kindness - the acknowledgement, now you do the math
But what about you? Where do you belong in all this mess?
I know that life is too short for me to be dealing with all this stress
I know that I'm me not what someone else wants me to be, 'till the end this is how I'll stay
And this will be the end of what I have to say..

Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm Lost, I Need Change

**A poem by Maria Thalmann extracted from www.poemhunter.com
It's something I read at random that accidentally hit me hard. So I decided to share the words that expressed the thoughts I failed to speak..

I'm lost in a darkness as dark as the night
but lighter then the stars above 
I'm lost in a memory that once were
but now is gone far away
I'm lost in the sadness after the dark
but live my life with laughter
I'm lost in this world, so beautiful it is
but it takes my life from me
I'm lost in myself and so confused
that my heart is broken in two
It's dark, it's light
it's noon, it's night
everything is changing but me
I'm lost in a life so still and slow
that my heart stops beating soon
I'm lost in a town where my heart isn't placed
and without my heart I can't live
I need my life back, 
I need to change, 
I need to get out of here
I'm lost in this place where i don't belong
And if I stay my breathing will stop
Therefore I go 
out into the world
to a place greater then here
There I am lost in a big new world
But my heart will be with me again