Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dream Recollection

I've been suffering from a migraine for a couple of days due to the womankind's nightmare, so I opted to try and sleep it off. I had a weird dream that I remember fairly well..

In the dream, I woke up at a private spa room with no memory of how I got there and why. I had a blurred memory of having a massage and s stream bath but that was it. The room was trashed and it seemed that something bad had happened. I found a video tape on the floor (apparently DVDs were not yet in fashion), so I popped it in the VCR and watched. I was not clear on what was in the tape but it was a video of the room a couple of hours ago. It got me horrified and distraught but I can't remember what was on the tape. I just remember feeling awful.

Then there was a knock on the door. Three Asian girls where snooping the room so I asked why they were there. Only one of them spoke English. She asked if I was still occupying the room and I answered, "Yes, in fact I still have the receipts". They went on there way as I started packing my stuff but then came back with a woman that seemed to be the spa manager. The manager informed me that I was already over my allotted time in the room so I asked for five minutes more to get my things in order. The woman was very accommodating (as expected with a spa personnel) and left me to finish packing.

My youngest grandpa then barged into the room and hurriedly took my things, informing me that I was already late and that people are already starting to look for me. As soon as we hit the door, it opened to an entirely different place. It was a big house on top of a hill. Most of my relatives were there and it seem like it was an engagement party of some sort, although I'm not sure for whom it was.

I was talking to my cousins when an argument exploded in the kitchen. Something about the bride wanting the reception to have no stove to cook food on so everything on the menu would be basically raw. Her mother was infuriated and the screaming match reverberated on the walls. So we decided to walk outside and take in the amazing view of the sunset. There were trees everywhere and even though I don't know remember the exact conversation we were having, it was pleasant. Then just before we reached the very top of the hill, I woke up..

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